• An intentional practice with cannabis is a wonderful opportunity for inner healing and spiritual growth.

  • In this sense we suggest doing some physical and emotional preparation when stepping into these experiences.


  • Eating light and healthy the day of

  • Taking on a cannabis fast for 24-72 hours prior to Ceremony

  • Walking in nature

  • Yoga, stretching, light exercise, massages, etc.

  • Meditation

  • Reflecting on your intention: What brings you here today?

  • Journaling about these topics


  • Comfortable clothes

  • Comfortable seat, backjack

  • Yoga Mat, portable mattress, bed

  • Water or tea

  • Blanket

  • 2 Pillows for under your head and knees

  • Eye covering

  • Journal and pen

  • Headphones (for 1-on-1 clients) or a good speaker system (for groups)

  • Cannabis tools: pipe/vape, lighter/wic

  • Your own cannabis blend (blend recommendations below)

  • Sacred objects/personal items (optional)

  • Snacks for after to help you ground: crunchy, sweet, salty, fruit, chocolate, juice/coconut water


    If you are new to cannabis, start low and go slow. You can always smoke more along the way.

    When creating your blend, you want to use ONLY ORGANIC CANNABIS and blend it in equal parts: Indica + Sativa + Hybrid. If you are using a vape pen with cartridges, rotate your cartridges as you imbibe: Indica + Sativa + Hybrid. During this COVID period some might prefer vaping over smoking to reduce stress on the lungs. We don't recommend edibles unless you are very familiar with your medicine as they are not easy to dose and unpredictable with their onset and duration timing. If needed, using only 1 cannabis strain or vape pen can take you very deep...