It was a miracle, a gift I hope you keep cultivating. 

- Samantha H.

I now have a great appreciation for cannabis. It has a power that I have never experienced before and took me to new depths which were very surprising. It reminded me of the work I have done with other “stronger” plant medicines.  

- Josh L.

It was particularly incredible for me to see how this medicine can have such an amazing impact on people.

- Lara W.

My experience, to say the least, was reassuring and transformational.

- Tristan V.

I love that you're cultivating a world where we can all honor our own and others' boundaries in the way that encourages our, as you describe it, organic self.

- Kate S.

I had an absolutely beautiful and profound experience at CannAbyss, and was left with several major insights to integrate and apply back to my daily life.

- Kate S.